Star Idol - Loans Cash Easy Quick Flash
Loan Online Cash of Rp 800000,00 Until Rp2000000,00 Percentage kelolosan reach 99%Flowers on Average tend to be more LowNo Complicated RegistrationCoverage Province Wide throughout IndonesiaService 24/7Star Idol, loan money online to allow You to ask Loans are good whenever and wherever.You could ask the loan of money compatible with the needs required from Rp800000,00 to limit Rp 2000000,00.
Tenor: 69 day (tenor minimum)-99 (maximum)
Flowers: a Maximum of 15%/year (no cost)
Example simulation of transaction:
If a loan amount of 1,300.000 with interest of 15% per year, then the amount transferred is: 1,300.000*(1-15%) = 1,105.000
Flower just 0.1% per day. The money You raise melted in a short time through the transfer kerekening Your purpose ! Why find another? If on COME on the Stars already do it all!Visit website Idol Stars belowIf You need assistance, please immediately contact the service hot line us:
Tel : +62 81382636983
E-Mail :
[email protected] the
Address : Jl. Deliberation No. 20, RT 05 / RW 01, Village Fields Long, the Subdistrict of Ciputat, Kota Tangerang South