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¡Application to putt with the gang! you
do you go out to putt or dinner with the crew and you had to carry the pot or ask for the round? If you don't have a pen and paper to hand to aim the round of drinks for your friends or you are simply lazy to write... I PinuPoteo is the application you need! It may also be useful for your society. In this application, you'll find all the typical drinks that usually call for. You can choose language (Basque/Spanish), change the price by the of your town and even send me suggestions to add new drinks.
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Koadrilakoekin poteatzeko aplikazioa!
Koadrilakoekin afaltzera edo poteatzera irten eta botea eramatea edota erronda eskatzea tokatu zaizu? Zure lagunen tragoen erronda apuntatzeko paperik ezta boligraforik eskura ez badituzu edo idazteko gogorik ez badaukazu PinuPoteo da behar duzun aplikazioa! Aplikazio honetan, eskatzen diren ohiko edariak aurkitu ditzakezu. Entitled hizkuntza aukeratu(Basque/Spanish) prezioak zure herrikoengatik aldatu edota edari berriak gehitzeko iradokizunak bidali.
Aplikazioa atsegin baduzu ez ahaztu bost izar ematea!
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Requires Android
Android 2.2 and up