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To get Crypto Currency & Bitcoin Calculator Mod APK latest version
Compare actual cryptocurrencies market prices with main world fiat money
This first version of our Application shows an overview of crypto currencies with price in Bitcoin (BTC) and their conversion to main world fiat money. You can watch last price of Bitcoin and other altcoins in the list. Please read the warning below. We are still working on it. If you like the app, please rate it! Thanks a lot.
★ Features
45+ Cryptocurrecies in list (Altcoins)
20+ World currencies (Fiat money)
Actual market prices of altcoins in BTC
Actual market prices of altcoins in Fiat money
Bitcoin calculator & corverter
★ World currencies
✓ United States dollar (USD)
✓ British pound (GBP)
✓ Swiss franc (CHF)
✓ Russian ruble (RUB)
✓ Brazilian real (BRL)
✓ Danish krone (DKK)
✓ Canadian dollar (CAD)
✓ Australian dollar (AUD)
✓ Polish złoty (PLN)
✓ Thai baht (THB)
✓ South Korean won (KRW)
✓ New Taiwan dollar (TWD)
✓ Swedish krona (SEK)
✓ Icelandic króna (ISK)
✓ Chilean peso (CLP)
✓ New Zealand dollar (NZD)
✓ Singapore dollar (SGD)
✓ Hong Kong dollar (HKD)
✓ Japanese yen (JPY)
✓ Chinese yuan (CNY)
★ Crypto currencies
✓ Adzcoin (ADZ)
✓ Bata (BTA)
✓ Bitcoin (BTC)
✓ Bytecoin (BCN)
✓ Crown (CRW)
✓ Curecoin (CURE)
✓ Dash (DASH)
✓ Dogecoin (DOGE)
✓ Decred (DCR)
✓ Diamond (DMD)
✓ DigitalNote (XDN)
✓ DNotes (NOTE)
✓ Einsteinium (EMC2)
✓ Ethereum (ETH)
✓ Ethereum Classic (ETC)
✓ Expanse (EXP)
✓ Feathercoin (FTC)
✓ GameCredits (GAME)
✓ Goldblocks (GB)
✓ GroestlCoin (GRS)
✓ Gulden (NLG)
✓ Halcyon (HAL)
✓ Influxcoin (INFX)
✓ Litecoin (LTC)
✓ Mazacoin (MZC)
✓ Monacoin (MONA)
✓ Monero (XMR)
✓ MonetaryUnit (MUE)
✓ Novacoin (NVC)
✓ Orbitcoin (ORB)
✓ Peercoin (PPC)
✓ Phoenixcoin (PXC)
✓ Quark (QRK)
✓ Sia (SC)
✓ Sibcoin (SIB)
✓ Smartcoin (SMC)
✓ Vertcoin (VTC)
✓ Vcash (XVC)
✓ Verge (XVG)
✓ Viacoin (VIA)
✓ Worldcoin (WDC)
✓ Unobtanium (UNO)
✓ ZClassic (ZCL)
✓ Zcash (ZEC)
✓ Zetacoin (ZET)
★ Notice - Warning
This application is experimental and it is without warranty. All cryptocurrencies rates may not be accurate. Please always check the exact rates on your market place before every trading. Do not make us responsible for your decision. We have created an application for assistance in world of crypto currencies.
We receive data from many sources like Blockchain, Bittrex, Poloniex, Cryptopia...
★ Support
If you want add any crypto currency or you have any ideas for some functions, feel free and send us email. Also if you find any problems, errors. We'd like make it better. Thx.
Email: [email protected]
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Requires Android
Android 2.3.3 and up