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DIY Doll House Ideas
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DIY doll house ideas Furniture material: Pecan
Pecans anyone? Seriously the wood is fit for dollhouse furniture. This type of wood is growing in miniatures and will soon, if it has not already be the dominate type of wood for dollhouse furniture. The hue is a lighter color than that of oak and when you rate wood density it actually falls on the harder side than oak and most other woods. This strength is why it is becoming a more reliable option for modern furniture or home flooring options. Pecan pieces go very well with a traditional, modern, or colonial dollhouse kit.
Is Quarter Inch Scale the right size for my DIY doll house ideas?
Dollhouse manufacturers use scales to help you make sure you are buying the right sized items for your dollhouse. The most popular scale for both furniture and dollhouses is the 1 inch scale. At Dollhouse City, unless the title of the furniture item tells you it is ½ inch or ¼ inch, the item is built on a 1 inch scale. This item is built on a quarter inch, or 1:48 inch, scale. This means that an inch of dollhouse furniture represents 4 feet of dollhouse furniture. So, a 1 ½ inch dollhouse sofa represents a 6 foot real sofa. Other scales include the 1 inch (1:12) and half inch (1:24) scales. If you do not know the scale of furniture you need for your dollhouse, use a ruler to determine the floor-to-ceiling height on the bottom floor of your dollhouse. Heights from 8-12 inches translate to a 1 inch scale. Half inch scales will have heights between 4-6 inches; for a quarter inch scale, there should be 2-3 inches between floor and ceiling. Unfinished Furniture for Dollhouses Unfinished furniture and furniture kits give you the same satisfaction and freedom that you get from building your own dollhouse kit. Unfinished furniture items are already assembled but can be decorated in any way you want; they are quite sturdy. Unfinished furniture items are already assembled, but you can design them to look any way you want. Dollhouse Green Furniture Want to make your furniture pop? Try going green A great reason for choosing green dollhouse furniture is that it adds variety and mixture that not only stands out, but helps other pieces and designs look unique. We have found that it is the quirky pieces of furniture that we have loved the most, and green as quirky as it may be can really add to your dollhouse experience.
Dollhouse Dining Room Furniture Dining rooms can add an air of sophistication-or charm-to any dollhouse home. Though many dining room sets are meant to be rather classy, countrified and hand-painted dining room sets are also available to add some brightness and character to your dollhouse. Dining rooms are a perfect place for play, whether kids are having make-believe guests over for supper, or you are showcasing a quaint tea set
Great Porcelain Dollhouse Furniture What is the first thing that you think about when you think of porcelain? China, and that is because it was manufactured first in china around the 600s. Because of its simple color and shine it has dominated dishware as the preferred choice. It has also worked its way into dollhouse furniture beautifully. Bathroom sets and miniature accessories are commonly the best place for miniature porcelain sets.
Using Poly-resin with Dollhouse Material One of the newest materials to hit the miniature market is poly-resin. Poly-resin is a material blend between a polyester fabric and a hard resin giving it a unique feel and texture that works great for molding. By using poly-resin with your dollhouse furniture you will get a very solid detail without having to worry about fabric or color fading. offers dollhouse furniture, kits accessories, and helpful hints in setting up your dollhouse furniture Article Source:
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