Map Tools - GPS measure & area

Map Tools - GPS measure & area v1.0.9 APK (Unlimited Money)

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Map Tools - GPS measure & area Mod App Details

Use Google Maps to carry out various measurements.

To help you out, a number of functions can be selected :

- Distance, perimeter and area calculations

- WGS84 GPS coordinates display

- Unit of measurement : meter, mile, hectare

- Integrated UI to GOOGLE Maps tool

- Selection mode to enhance accuracy

- GPS localization

Why use map tools :

- Measure the area of agricultural land or estate

- Estimate the surface of a dwelling, swimming pool, terrace or future construction site

- Establish the perimeter of your yard to prepare for your fence.

- Prepare surfaces for organizing your leisure and outdoor activities

- Sports, find a surface to improvise a football field, volleyball, golf, running and other sports ..

- In golf, prepare your golf course with optimal paths and distance measurements

- Before a trip, quickly calculate multiple routes

- Aviation, calculate the distances of your flight plan

- ...

The Map Tools algorithm relies on the method for computing the area of a surface on a sphere, based on the Haversine formula. This algorithm was modified to take into account the earth's deformation according to the WGS84 World Geodesic System.

Keyword : measure measurement map maps area distance distances tool tools area perimeter perimeters surveyor surveyors planimeter planimeters satellite gps mesurer carte cartes surface surfaces superficie superficies distance distances outil outils tool aires périmètres géomètre géomètres planimètre planimètres arpenteur arpenteurs satellite gps

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Android 2.0 and up

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