Ever hear the lyrics of the song .. ??
Apple Pineapple Pen Pen or in short PPAP, is a song sung by musicians and comedians Japan, Kazuhiko Kosaka popularly called Piko-Taro.

There are many songs Pen Pineapple Apple Pen which is sung with a different version, but you do not have to painstakingly look for her on the internet, because we had to summarize it into an in-app Pen Apple Songs Video, which of course contains videos of the original singer as well as from others around the world who sung with a different version of course.
Obviously with version - different versions in Apple Pen application Songs Video, will be very unique and interesting.

It's ready to dance while accompanied songs Pineapple Apple Pen Pen ,, immediately download our app from Apple Pen Songs Video Now

Do not forget to give a 5 if you feel comforted.
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Pen Apple Songs Video

Pen Apple Songs Video v1.0 APK (Unlimited Money)

Download (4.45 MB)

Pen Apple Songs Video Mod App Details

"I have a pen, I have an Apple, Uh! Apple pen ...! I have a pen, I have pineapple, Uh! Pineapple pen!"
Ever hear the lyrics of the song .. ??
Apple Pineapple Pen Pen or in short PPAP, is a song sung by musicians and comedians Japan, Kazuhiko Kosaka popularly called Piko-Taro.

There are many songs Pen Pineapple Apple Pen which is sung with a different version, but you do not have to painstakingly look for her on the internet, because we had to summarize it into an in-app Pen Apple Songs Video, which of course contains videos of the original singer as well as from others around the world who sung with a different version of course.
Obviously with version - different versions in Apple Pen application Songs Video, will be very unique and interesting.

It's ready to dance while accompanied songs Pineapple Apple Pen Pen ,, immediately download our app from Apple Pen Songs Video Now

Do not forget to give a 5 if you feel comforted.
thank you

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Android 4.0 and up

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